Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moctezuma Revenge!

Who was Moctezuma? To most foreigners, Moctezuma is just some Aztec emperor with the dubious distinction of having the diarrhea that tourists in Mexico sometimes get from drinking the local water named after him ("Moctezuma's revenge", La Venganza de Moctezuma). When it happens to the unlucky ones, the presence is unmistakable. The technical definition is the passage of at least three unformed stools in a 24-hour period together with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fecal urgency or the passage of blood or mucous. The disease usually lasts 3 to 5 days and is caused by exposure to virus and bacteria to which our bodies are unaccustomed, the principal agent being Escherichia coli That was my welcome sign to Tacoland (Mexico)!

With Deltha's family:

Thank God and all your prayers; my time with Deltha's parents was a great blessing. They took me around to beautiful places, we talked a lot, and I officially asked them for Deltha's hand (before we got engaged I called them by phone). They of course agreed!
I studied the Bible with her mother, I talked about boxing with her father, and I laughed with her sister!
Deltha's mother organized a family meeting to introduce me to the rest of the family. It was the first time in my life that I felt like an animal in the zoo (lol), uncles and aunts were looking at me and asking questions about salary and jobs… so I told them: "I involve in my Father's business"
Deltha's parents are really cool people; our time together was a real blessing!
The last day with them, I kissed her dad in the Uruguayan way, he liked!

Christian Camp!

I participate in a christian camp. I got the chance of preaching 3 times and share my testimony. I got the opportunity as well to see some ex Logos 2 friends (Nadia who was organizing the camp, Menhi and Hugo), we did some dramas and enjoy been together again and sharing what God is doing in our lives.

6 people accept Christ!

When I went to visit Paco and Nina (Deltha's uncle and aunt) they invited me to go to some Bible studies, and sharing the Roman Road, 6 people accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord!

Preaching in churches

I preached in three different churches, the first one after the camp was the church of Deltha's mother, the second one was a church that supports Deltha's monthly, and the third one was in Deltha's church and I shared in English in an American church the last Sunday as well.

Coming back Home!

I'm leaving today (Tuesday 15th) to Uruguay, I really want to see me family, friends and church after 2 years and 4 months.
On Friday 18th its going to be my birthday N` 25 God willing, and its going to be the first one after three years (one in Bolivia, another one in Antigua, and the last one in Croatia)
In my time in Uruguay I will continue working full time for God (in the less evangelize country in Latino America) and preparing the wedding for January 10th.

Would you like to pray for me?

1- For my re-entry in Uruguay after a long time away.
2- Wisdom for the future. With Deltha we are praying for our next step in missions. Monthly support. So I can continue working full time for God.
4- For my relationship with the Lord and ministry in Uruguay.

I thank you so much for your time and God bless you! Thank you for all your support, love and prayers.

Alex <><

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