Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Five weeks with Deltha in Uruguay!!!

It´s a pleasure to write you a new update of what God is doing in my life and around the world. Thanks be to God I am doing really well, trusting Him in all and serving Him full time.

In my last update I shared about my time in Bolivia, Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. Since I came back to Uruguay I have been working full time in my church. So let me share with you some of the activities that God allowed me to participate in.

The Good Samaritan Meal

The “Good Samaritan Meal” is an evangelistic event where we serve the poor. It´s a wonderful opportunity to serve the community and to show God´s love to them.
We made personal invitations and some posters as publicity to invite people, we prepared a really tasty meal (winter style), and the church hosted about 75-80 people. All of them were so happy, some of them eating 2, 3 or even 4 plates of food. A few even had the opportunity to bring food to their homes. After the dessert we gave them clothes and provided free blood pressure testing. We also shared the gospel with them through literature and personal chats. Since then some of them are coming during the week to have their blood pressure checked and also a married couple is assisting the Sunday service. Praise the Lord for the wonderful day and the awesome opportunity to serve Him!

Visiting other churches

God is continuing to give me opportunities to share in a variety of congregations from different denominations. Last month a preached about missions in a church in their Sunday service, and this coming month I am going to visit two youth groups where I will share about Jesus´s Grace.

Young Adult´s Ministry

I was always involved in the Young Adult´s Ministry in our church through sharing messages and participating in different activities, but now it will be a little bit different. Gusty has been the leader for the past 11 years. In the last few months we have been working together as leaders of this group with the purpose of me taking full leadership of this ministry at this point in time. During these past months he has been helping me through the transition. It is a big challenge, but I trust that God will help me and guide me. I´m exited to see what God has in store for us as we look forward to expanding the ministry.

Waiting for this blessing for so long…

After 7 month of waiting to see her again, Deltha arrives in Uruguay right after leaving the Logos Hope ship. She came for 5 weeks and it truly was a blessing. She is looking as beautiful as always, even more than before. During our time together it was obvious to both of us that our committment to serve the Lord together continues to grow strong.
She met my family, country and church. My family loves her very much, and they have a wonderful relationship. The same is true with the church. Deltha really likes Uruguay but the cultural shock was inevitable (and so funny): the food, kisses on the cheek with everybody, and the late hour we eat supper were some of the ingredients that surprised her. We talked a lot, we visited diferent places, we watch some movies, we studied the Word of God and we started to plan our wedding. It was a great blessing. Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy!

Pre-Marital Counseling Course

Gusty, one of our pastors, provided us with a pre-marital counseling course that was a great blessing in preparation for our marriage. We met twice a week, a total of 9 lessons with different topics about married life. It was so helpful for us to talk about the different aspects of marriage from the light of God´s word as well as learning from different experiences of Christian couples.

The future

After a lot of prayer and so many options, we are convince that Uruguay is the right place for us to serve as missionaries. God knows that we wanted to serve overseas and not in Uruguay or Mexico, but we feel God´s call to this part of the world. We are committed to serving the Lord full time in the church as well as studing in the Baptist Seminary for the next 4 years. We believe that God is calling us to serve him full time in Christian ministry rather than working in a secular job. We know that this period of time in our life is not just about serving and working, or studying and learning about the Bible, but it will also be a time where God will be working in us and in our marriage. Our wedding will be in January in Mexico, and we want to have a simple ceremony in the church of Uruguay as well.

Prayer request:

1- For a place to live (We need to rent something cheap and near of the church.)
2- For monthly support (We don´t have any yet.)
3- For God´s provision for all the details of our wedding.
4- For our faith, that we will trust God in every moment.
5- That God will be glorified in everything that we are doing.

Thank you so much for all your prayers, support, and encouragment.
Please keep in contact. I would love to hear from you .
God bless you so much.
With latin love, Alex

Ahora en Español!!!

Es un gusto estar escribiendo un nuevo informe de lo que Dios esta haciendo en mi vida y en la vida de muchas personas.
Gracias a Dios me encuentro muy bien, caminando con El Señor y sirviéndole a tiempo completo.
En mi último informe hace un par de meses, les contaba sobre mi tiempo en Bolivia, Puerto Rico y Costa Rica, desde ese entonces he permanecido en Uruguay sirviendo en mi iglesia local. Aquí les paso a compartir algunas actividades en las cuales Dios me permitió servir.

Comida Samaritana

La comida samaritana es un almuerzo para personas de muy bajos recursos de la ciudad de Montevideo, especialmente cerca de la iglesia. Los principales propósitos son evangelizar y servir a los más necesitados.
Hicimos invitaciones personales y también algunos carteles para invitar a la gente, se preparo una rica comida estilo invierno y se preparo la iglesia para albergar a las personas. Recibimos un poco más de 75-80 personas, todas quedaron muy contentas por lo rico de la comida y la mayoría de ellos comió más de una vez y muchos llevaron comida a sus seres queridos. Después del postre se les regalo ropa en muy buen estado a cada uno de ellos y se les compartió el evangelio con literatura y charlas personales y se les tomo la presión gratis a aquellos que lo necesitaran.
Algunas de esas personas nos visitan regularmente entre la semana para tomarse la presión gratuitamente y un matrimonio empezó a congregarse desde ese dia.
Alabado sea Dios por el hermoso día que hizo y por la oportunidad de compartir Su hermoso evangelio!

Visitas a otras iglesias

Dios me esta dando la oportunidad de compartir en diferentes iglesias de diferentes denominaciones. El mes pasado predique en un iglesia sobre misiones en un servicio dominical y este mes entrante tendré el privilegio de compartir en 2 grupos de jóvenes.


Si bien siempre he estado involucrado con el grupo de jóvenes a través de mensajes y actividades, esta vez será un poco diferente ya que estaré quedando como líder del mismo. Gusty quien lo ha liderado por 11 años y que hoy en día es uno de los pastores de la iglesia me ha estado ayudando en esta transición. Desde este mes en adelante estaré liderando todo el ministerio de jóvenes, esto es un desafío muy grande pero que entiendo que viene de la mano de Dios y estoy deseoso de ver lo que El va a hacer.

La mas esperada de las bendiciones!

Después de 7 meses de espera mis ojos la volvieron a ver. Deltha, al terminar su tiempo a bordo del barco Logos Hope vino a Uruguay por 5 semanas, y fue verdaderamente una bendición. Ella sigue tan hermosa como siempre y hasta me animaría a decir que más que antes, nuestro amor sigue intacto y nuestras ganas de estar juntos cada vez son más.
En estas 5 semanas ella conoció a mi familia y se llevaron muy bien, conoció a mi iglesia en la cual se sintió muy cómoda y conoció mi hermoso país que le gusto mucho y que le dio un lindo choque cultural. La comida, los horarios y los besos en las mejillas a los desconocidos fueron algunos de los ingredientes que la sorprendieron.
Hablamos muchísimo, paseamos por varios lugares, estudiamos la Biblia juntos, miramos películas y empezamos a planear nuestra boda en Enero.
Fue una verdadera bendición que solo Dios hizo posible. Gracias Padre!

Curso Pre-Matrimonial

Uno de los pastores de mi iglesia (Gusty) compartió con nosotros un curso pre-matrimonial que fue una total bendición. Tuvimos 2 clases por semana, que llegaron a un total de 9 clases formales más algunas salidas con Gusty y su esposa Lorena.
Fue muy lindo tratar ciertos temas con un matrimonio cristiano desde la luz de las Escrituras. Tanto Deltha como yo coincidimos en lo mucho que nos ha ayudado este curso y lo mucho que nos ha bendecido.

El futuro

Después de mucho orar y de muchas opciones, junto a Deltha estamos convencidos de que Uruguay es nuestro próximo campo misionero. Solo Dios sabe que realmente nosotros no queríamos quedarnos ni en Uruguay ni en México, pero sentimos que Dios nos ha llamado a estar aquí por un tiempo y servirle mientras El trabaja en nuestras vidas, nos prepara para el próximo paso y nos ayuda en los primeros pasos del matrimonio.
Tenemos un compromiso de 4 años en Uruguay junto a mi iglesia local. La idea es que tanto Deltha como yo trabajemos a tiempo completo en la iglesia, no en trabajos seculares, y al mismo tiempo estaríamos estudiando en el Seminario Teológico Bautista de Montevideo. Nuestra boda será, Dios mediante, en Enero 2009 en México, y una pequeña ceremonia también en la iglesia de Montevideo.

Pedidos de oración:

1- Por una lugar donde vivir (con un alquiler barato y cerca de la iglesia)
2- Por sustento mensual (aun no tenemos nada de sustento mensual)
3- Para que Dios provea para los gastos que tenemos que enfrentar.
4- Para que sigamos confiando en Dios aun en estos tiempos de nervios.
5- Para que en todo sea Dios glorificado.

Muchas gracias por sus oraciones, apoyo, amor y ánimo.
No dejen de mandar algún mail que siempre es bienvenido.
Dios los bendiga mucho.
Con cariño, Alex…

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

God's Grace in Action!!!

I really want to thank God for the wonderful opportunity to serve in Bolivia, Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. GMI (Grace Ministries International) invited me to go to these countries and serve God. Once again I can say that God’s grace is sufficient for me.


I arrived in Santa Cruz at 4am after almost 3 days in a bus, and at 8am I was teaching Christian Education in a high school. This is how I started this crazy trip with God!
It was my third visit to this country and I spent three weeks sharing about Jesus.
I stayed at Talo’s house. He is a missionary with GMI (Grace Ministries International)
and we have known each other since we were kids because we are from the same neighborhood. He is one of the people that shared Christ with me. This is why it was a really special time for me.

You cannot accept Christ as Savior if you do not accept Him as Lord!

I met with 4 young people in Bolivia for a Bible Study and we talked about having a real commitment with God and the cost of living a life for Christ. I also met with a Dance Team and I had the wonderful opportunity of teaching them some steps and dance techniques that I learned in the past in the artist world, and of course we studied the Bible together. I shared in youth groups about God’s Grace and our responsibility towards missions. I also taught in a High School (where the big majority is not Christian) 3 or 4 times per week. I shared 2 or 3 times with each class. God gave me the wonderful opportunity of sharing openly that we need to follow Christ and not just to believe in Him, and it’s a commitment with a very high cost. Some of them (Praise the Lord) showed some interest in getting to know more about Jesus and to start going to a Bible Church.

Puerto Rico “The Charming Island”

For sure this is one of the most beautiful countries that I ever been to, but not just because of the wonderful places it is, but because of the awesome people that live there.
The people are so warm there (the weather too) and they made me feel like I was at home. They are so hospitable and nice. God provided people that became my family; I don’t have words to express what I feel about all my new friends and family from Puerto Rico.

Regarding ministry, I have to confess that it was the busiest month of my life, but one of the best. I really enjoy it! The main purpose of my visit was to preach at “Caribe Camp” which is a Summer Camp. We had three weeks and each week was for a different age group (9-12, 4-8, and 13-16). I shared the first week and the third week; however, the second week the little kids had a different program. The topic of the camp was “The fruit of the Spirit.” The organizers gave me a lot of freedom in sharing. Beside the messages in the camp, God gave the awesome opportunity of share in youth groups, Sunday services and I was even invited to preach in a youth conference. God’s Grace in Action!

Costa Rica

In “the land always green” I had the nice opportunity of preaching in a church from the same denomination that I come from. I also shared my testimony in a youth evangelistic activity. Even though I spent just one week in Costa Rica, it was an awesome time and I met a lot of cool people!


At the moment I’m working full time with my church in Uruguay; my main ministry is with the young adult group and preaching some Sundays. I also will have many other opportunities to serve the Lord here in Uruguay. I am working with a wonderful leadership team: my two pastors (and best friends), and two missionaries from USA. We work 8 hours a day and 6 days a week, my day off is on Wednesday.

On 12th of September, God willing, Deltha will be arriving in Uruguay. She will spend 1 month here meeting my family, church and friends, and we are going to do our pre marriage course with one of my pastors. And of course we will try to do as much as possible for our wedding preparation in Mexico in January!

Would you like to pray for me?

• For my relationship with the Lord, that I continue knowing Him more and more and make Him known.
• Monthly support since the work in the church is voluntary
• For God’s provision for the wedding and plane tickets.
• For God’s leading in all the decisions that we need to make about the wedding and our future.
• For my time with Deltha in Uruguay, that it will be a great blessing!

Thank you so much for all your prayers, support, and love. Thank you for taking the time to read this update and may God bless you so much! Let’s keep in touch!
With Hugs and Kisses from Latin America,


Doy gracias a Dios por la hermosa oportunidad que me dio de viajar y servirlo en Bolivia, Puerto Rico y Costa Rica de la mano de GMI (Grace Ministries International), quienes me invitaron a esta nueva aventura en el servicio a Dios. Ellos se encargaron de todos los detalles que hicieron posible que sirviera en estos países. Gracias a Dios por ellos y por tanta Gracia en mi vida!


Después de 2 días y medio en bus, arribé a Santa Cruz de la Sierra a las 4 de la mañana, a las 8 de la mañana ya estaba en una escuela secundaria enseñando clases de educación cristiana. Así empezó esta nueva aventura de la mano de Dios.
Fue mi tercera visita a Bolivia, estuve ahí por 3 semanas y Dios fue muy bueno al permitirme compartir Su Gracia con tantas personas.
Ahí en Bolivia me quede en la casa de Talo Vergara, el es misionero con GMI, con el nos conocemos de toda la vida ya que crecimos en el mismo barrio. El es hermano de Gusty uno de los pastores de la iglesia en Uruguay, y ellos son las personas que me guiaron a los pies de Cristo, por lo cual mi tiempo en Bolivia fue muy especial no solo por el ministerio sino por la amistad que me une con Talo.

No se puede aceptar a Jesús como Salvador, sino se le acepta como Señor!

Me reuní con 4 jóvenes con los cuales estudiamos a través de la Biblia el compromiso que requiere seguir a Cristo y el alto costo del mismo. Con un grupo de coreografía pude compartir no solo la Biblia, sino también enseñarles algunos pasos y técnicas de danza que aun recuerdo de mí pasado en el rubro artístico.
También compartí en grupos de jóvenes sobre la Gracia de Dios y nuestra responsabilidad frente a las misiones mundiales.

Enseñe en un colegio (donde la mayoría aun no son cristianos) 3 o 4 veces por semana todas la mañanas, y uno de los días doble horario. Con la mayoría de los cursos pude compartir 3 veces. Dios me dio la oportunidad de compartir abiertamente que a Jesús hay que seguirlo y no solo creer en El, y que seguirlo tiene un costo y muchas veces muy alto. Algunos de ellos mostraron interés en empezar a asistir a una Iglesia Biblica y conocer más a Este Judío que dijo ser Dios.

Puerto Rico “La isla del encanto”

Indiscutiblemente es uno de los países que más he disfrutado, no solo por sus hermosos paisajes sino por su hermosa gente. Me encanto la amabilidad de su gente y la alegría que tienen, son muy hospitalarios y tienen muy buena onda.
Dios me proveyó de personas que me trataron como un verdadero hijo, no tengo palabras para agradecer a Dios por mi nueva familia boricua y por todo lo que me bendijeron.
En cuanto al ministerio tengo que reconocer que fue uno de los meses mas ocupados de mi vida, pero sin duda uno de los mejores.
La principal razón de mi visita fue predicar en un campamento cristiano de tres semanas de duración (una semana por edad, la primera de 9-12, la segunda de 4 a 8 y la tercera de 13 a 16 años)

El tema del campamento fue “Los frutos del Espíritu”, y los organizadores me dieron mucha libertad en cuanto a lo que compartir en cuanto al tema.

Además de predicar en el campamento, Dios me bendijo con la posibilidad de compartir en reuniones de jóvenes, reuniones dominicales y hasta en una radio a la cual visite 5 veces. Todos los fines de semana fui invitado a compartir a jóvenes y adultos, e incluso me invitaron a participar de una conferencia de jóvenes. Una vez mas la Gracia de Dios en acción, y repito uno de los meses mas ocupados de mi vida, pero uno de los mejores!

Costa Rica

En “la tierra siempre verde” tuve la linda oportunidad de predicar en una iglesia de la misma denominación que mi iglesia local en Uruguay, también compartir mi testimonio en una actividad de jóvenes. También conocí a gente muy buena onda y divertida!


Ahora ya estoy en Uruguay trabajando a tiempo completo con mi iglesia, mi principal trabajo será con los jóvenes, aunque también estaré predicando algunos domingos entre muchas otras cosas y ministerios. En la iglesia estoy trabajando junto a mis dos pastores, y dos misioneras de EEUU, es un hermoso equipo de trabajado! Trabajamos 8 horas por día (de 9 a 5) y tenemos un día libre (el mío es el miércoles).

A fines de setiembre estará llegando (Dios mediante) mi hermosa futura esposa Deltha, la cual se quedara un mes por tierras Charrúas. Estaremos haciendo un curso prematrimonial y ultimando detalles para la boda en Enero.

¿Tu gustaría orar por mi?

• Por mi relación con Dios, para conocerlo mas día a día y darlo a conocer!
• Por sustento económico mensual ya que mi trabajo en el ministerio es voluntario.
• Por provisión de Dios para llevar a cavo el casamiento y para los pasajes de Deltha desde Uruguay a México y para los pasajes para la boda en México.
• Para que Dios nos guíe en todas las decisiones que tenemos que tomar respecto a la boda y a nuestro futuro.
• Por el tiempo junto a Deltha en Uruguay, que sea de gran bendición y edificación!

Muchas gracias por todo tu apoyo, oraciones, amor y ánimo. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer esta carta y de contactarte conmigo. Dios te bendiga mucho!
Con mucho cariño, Alex…

Friday, June 6, 2008

After 2 months in Uruguay!!!

I hope that you are doing well, and enjoying God’s blessings in your life.
I’m very well thanks be to God! , This is my first prayer letter since I came back home.
First of all I want to thank you for all your support, emails and love during this time. At the same time I want to apologize for not answering many emails, but I don’t have internet access at my house, and that makes everything a bit more complicated.

A big welcome and a birthday party

I arrived in Montevideo on April 16th, and my family and friends were waiting for me in the airport, my grandma couldn’t stop kissing me as she was crying (she is almost 80 years old). Two days after, it was my birthday and I received a really nice surprise, my church and family organized me a party at church (with burgers yeah!)


Coming back home after the ship experience could be really traumatic, even for some people it gets to be really hard. But, thanks God I didn’t have any problem. God really blessed me with a wonderful church, a nice family, and very good friends.
Probably the hardest thing is to be separated from Deltha, but still God is really helping us!

Rest Ministry!

In my first three weeks in Uruguay I been involved in “rest ministry”, my church didn’t allowed me to do anything, they wanted me to rest, and that is what I did! I spent a lot of time with my family and friends, just talking and eating (as a good “Gordo” Latino!)

Active ministry!!!

After these 3 weeks I did a presentation at my church about my time on board, and since then, I didn’t stop at all, preaching on Sundays, working with the youth group and working full time at my church (8 hours a day, 6 days a week).

Last moment: NEWS!!!

I’m writing this prayer letter from Bolivia, I will spend here about a month doing discipleship, teaching, evangelism, preaching and working with youth. After Bolivia God’s willing I’m going to Puerto Rico to do almost the same, plus I will be preaching in a camp for teenagers. After these two months I will return home to work full time in my church.

Prayer requests:

1- For my spiritual life, I want to be more like Jesus everyday, and more sensitive to His voice.
2- For the ministry, that God uses me with His power and grace, and as a consequence many will draw closer to Him.
3- For finances that will allow me to work full time in ministry, and for my wedding with Deltha (mi chica latina).
4- For my travels, that God protects me on the road and in everything when I travel from one place to another.

Thank you so much for your support and love, please keep in contact!
With Love,
God bless you,



Espero que al recibir esta carta se encuentren muy bien y disfrutando de las bendiciones de nuestro hermoso Dios en sus vidas.
Yo gracias a El me encuentro muy bien y muy contento, esta es mi primera carta desde que llegué a mi hermoso Montevideo junto a mi familia e iglesia.
Antes que nada les quiero dar gracias por sus oraciones, y por sus mails, eso realmente ha sido de gran animo y ayuda en mi regreso a Uruguay.
Por otro lado les pido disculpas por mi falta de comunicación, se que no he escrito lo suficiente o respondido muchos mails, pero en mi casa no tengo Internet por lo cual es un tanto complicado.

Bienvenida y cumpleaños!

Arribé en el aeropuerto el 16 de abril, y allí me estaban esperando mi familia y mis mejores amigos, fue muy lindo volver a mi país y reencontrarme con mi padres, con mi hermano, mi abuela que no paraba de llorar, mis mejores amigos, caminar por las calles que me vieron crecer, y comer carne uruguaya!
Dos días después fue mi cumpleaños, yo esperaba solo que algunas personas me visitaran en casa, pero en vez de eso me hicieron una fiesta sorpresa en la iglesia junto a todos los hermanos, fue muy lindo.


Re-entry es la expresión que se usa en el barco para denominar la experiencia de volver a nuestra cultura y a la vida “normal” fuera de la locura del barco. Como se imaginaran la vida en el barco es toda una aventura y es muy intensa, para nada rutinaria y muy interesante, es por eso que antes de salir nos preparamos para volver a entrar a nuestras culturas y “vidas normales”, para mucha gente este paso es realmente muy difícil, pero gracias a Dios para mi fue toda una bendición y en ningún momento me fue difícil adaptarme a no estar en el barco, Dios me ha ayudado mucho y también mi familia, mi iglesia y mis amigos.

Los primeros días…

Las tres primeras semanas fueron exclusivamente de descanso, en la iglesia no me permitieron hacer nada, ellos me mandaron a descansar y pasar tiempo con la familia, y fue lo que hice. Fue una gran bendición pasar horas comiendo y hablando con mis padres, con mi hermano, y con mis amigos.

Ahora si, ministerio!

Pasadas tres semanas, hice una presentación de mi tiempo fuera de Uruguay en mi iglesia, y de ahí en mas no he tenido un solo fin de semana libre, entre predicas de domingo y reuniones de jóvenes los sábados Dios me ha permitido estar ocupado en el ministerio.
Luego de esas 3 semanas comencé a trabajar a tiempo completo en mi iglesia local, ahí cumplo un horario de 8 horas diarias 6 días a la semana. Estaré trabajando en el ministerio de jóvenes, predicando algunos domingos y organizando ciertas actividades, más allá de ciertas tareas del día a día en una iglesia.

Noticia de ultimo momento!!!

Al escribir esta carta me encuentro viajando rumbo a Bolivia, donde pasare todo un mes dando discipulados, predicando, hablando a jóvenes, entrenando en evangelismo entre otras actividades. Al finalizar este mes, estaré yendo para Puerto Rico donde también estaré sirviendo al Señor por un mes, ahí además del ministerio ya mencionado, estaré participando de un campamento para adolescentes donde se me ha dado la oportunidad de predicar. Al finalizar estos 2 meses regresare a las tareas de la iglesia, Dios mediante.

Pedidos de oración:

1- Por mi vida espiritual, para que cada día sea más parecido a Cristo y sensible a Su voz.
2- Por el ministerio, para que Dios me use para comunicar Vida a muchos.
3- Por finanzas, para que Dios provea sustento mensual para seguir trabajando a tiempo completo y para el casamiento en enero junto a mi hermosa Deltha.
4- Por mi tiempo viajando, que Dios me cuide mientras voy de un lado otro.

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo y ayuda, por favor seguí en contacto!
Con mucho cariño, y que Dios te bendiga,


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Moctezuma Revenge!

Who was Moctezuma? To most foreigners, Moctezuma is just some Aztec emperor with the dubious distinction of having the diarrhea that tourists in Mexico sometimes get from drinking the local water named after him ("Moctezuma's revenge", La Venganza de Moctezuma). When it happens to the unlucky ones, the presence is unmistakable. The technical definition is the passage of at least three unformed stools in a 24-hour period together with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fecal urgency or the passage of blood or mucous. The disease usually lasts 3 to 5 days and is caused by exposure to virus and bacteria to which our bodies are unaccustomed, the principal agent being Escherichia coli That was my welcome sign to Tacoland (Mexico)!

With Deltha's family:

Thank God and all your prayers; my time with Deltha's parents was a great blessing. They took me around to beautiful places, we talked a lot, and I officially asked them for Deltha's hand (before we got engaged I called them by phone). They of course agreed!
I studied the Bible with her mother, I talked about boxing with her father, and I laughed with her sister!
Deltha's mother organized a family meeting to introduce me to the rest of the family. It was the first time in my life that I felt like an animal in the zoo (lol), uncles and aunts were looking at me and asking questions about salary and jobs… so I told them: "I involve in my Father's business"
Deltha's parents are really cool people; our time together was a real blessing!
The last day with them, I kissed her dad in the Uruguayan way, he liked!

Christian Camp!

I participate in a christian camp. I got the chance of preaching 3 times and share my testimony. I got the opportunity as well to see some ex Logos 2 friends (Nadia who was organizing the camp, Menhi and Hugo), we did some dramas and enjoy been together again and sharing what God is doing in our lives.

6 people accept Christ!

When I went to visit Paco and Nina (Deltha's uncle and aunt) they invited me to go to some Bible studies, and sharing the Roman Road, 6 people accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord!

Preaching in churches

I preached in three different churches, the first one after the camp was the church of Deltha's mother, the second one was a church that supports Deltha's monthly, and the third one was in Deltha's church and I shared in English in an American church the last Sunday as well.

Coming back Home!

I'm leaving today (Tuesday 15th) to Uruguay, I really want to see me family, friends and church after 2 years and 4 months.
On Friday 18th its going to be my birthday N` 25 God willing, and its going to be the first one after three years (one in Bolivia, another one in Antigua, and the last one in Croatia)
In my time in Uruguay I will continue working full time for God (in the less evangelize country in Latino America) and preparing the wedding for January 10th.

Would you like to pray for me?

1- For my re-entry in Uruguay after a long time away.
2- Wisdom for the future. With Deltha we are praying for our next step in missions. Monthly support. So I can continue working full time for God.
4- For my relationship with the Lord and ministry in Uruguay.

I thank you so much for your time and God bless you! Thank you for all your support, love and prayers.

Alex <><

Friday, March 14, 2008

The longest travel of my life!

…tears were running from my eyes while I was looking at Deltha for last time in the airport of Hamburg until we will see each other again.
Many times I turned back to see her for the ‘last time” for a few months. I cannot explain how I felt while I was walking to my “check in.” Even leaving Uruguay wasn’t that hard.
I was leaving behind my best two years of my life, the most difficult ones, my home, my new family, my friends, my ministry and the love of my life! I was about to the take a flight to God’s dreams for my life, to another adventure with my Savior. I didn’t know what I would face, but one thing I did know, that trusting God and walking with Him everything was going to be alright. How did I know? Well, He gave His life for me; I think I can trust Him, no?


Florida was my first stop in the USA. Sally & Arnie Selfors hosted me in their house. They are the missionaries who planted my home church in Montevideo. It has been a blessing for me to see how they continue serving God with all their hearts.

In Florida I participated in a missions conference. I spoke in the Sunday school, and in different activities like AWANA (for kids), youth groups and home meetings.
The church has a ministry with Latinos, and they gave the beautiful opportunities to share with them in the language of my heart.

Welcome to Coldland!

As soon I got out of the airport of Grand Rapids, Michigan I was in shock! The first thing that I saw was a “mountain” of snow, a little different with the weather in Florida….
One day the temperature reached -30`c (Yeah minus thirty Celsius!!!) WOW… Welcome to Coldland!

Here in Michigan, I visited 4 different churches with missions conferences. I had the chance to share about what God is doing around the world, what He is doing in my life and what He can do with normal people who follow Him.
I shared as well in different opportunities like prayer breakfasts, AWANA clubs, youth groups, Sunday schools, etc. I met a lot of people in the churches and many missionaries.
One of the best opportunities was at Grace Bible College. I spoke in the missions conference at this college. The title of the conference was “Suffering for Christ.”
The conference was really good; we even had a simulacrum of persecution where I was one of the terrorists stopping the worship service in the college, and besides that was really fun, the message behind was powerful and truthful.

Remembering old times…

God gave me the possibility of coming back to Marlette, a small town where I took a youth work training almost 4 years ago. I visited some of my friends there, and was a great blessing, some of these people are real friends, people that impacted my life, I have their support, love and prayers.

Highway stories…

When I was coming back from Marlette to Grand Rapids by bus, I started to share the gospel with people around me, and God who is always good gave the opportunity to share the gospel in a clear and simple way.
One lady in the bus said: “I never saw it (the gospel) from that perspective.” Another lady who was listening asked: “Could you explain me more about true repentance?” “ Ohh, sure I can,” I replied!
God is good and He is giving us many opportunities, the people are hungry, now is time to do our part!

Next “PORT”

March 18th I will be arriving in Mexico where I will participate in a Christian camp for teenagers and in a missions night.
The topic of the camp is “deceiving voices” and is organized by Nadia Colin a friend from Logos 2.
But of course the main purpose is to meet Deltha’s family, her church and her country!

Prayer request:

1- For my relationship with God, that I can continue growing in Him, trusting Him, resting in Him.
2- That God uses me in Mexico and that many people can come to His feet, especially Deltha’s father.
3- For finances for the daily basics and for my wedding while I continue working full time for God.
4- For Deltha and for me that God help us to be separate and together at the same time!

Thank you so much for your time, for your support, love, prayers and e-mails.
Thank you for being part of what God is doing in my life and through my life.
It’s all about Him and His Grace!
God bless you,

Friday, February 1, 2008

My last prayer letter from the ship…

Here I am in my last days of my commitment with OM and the ships, after 2 years with OM Uruguay and 2 years with OM ships, now it’s time to sail into another adventure with God.

God, it’s all about God!

Almost 3 years ago, God guided me to join OM ships, He used His written Word, the Bible, and I still remember that moment very well!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” 1Corinthians 2:9

God has put in people’s heart to support me to come to the ship. My parents, my church and my best friends are some of the people that God used to make it possible. God provided each cent and dollar that I needed to come to the ship.
It’s all about God.

As soon as I arrived on the ship God showed me that it is not about my plans but about His plans, He is wiser than me, smarter than me, so I decided to stay one year longer than the original plan. The ship never went to Uruguay as it was supposed to and my life never would be the same.

Since the beginning God showed me that everything that I lived before, everything that I will live, everything that I am and everything that I am not is because of His grace.
I thought that God would bring me here to save the world, but He brings me here to serve the world, a little bit different. It’s all about God.

I specially remember one thing during this two years… every time that I came closer to God, every time that I came to know Him better, every time that I served Him, He showed how much I still need to change to become like Him, and how much I need to give up from me to receive from Him. I learned that if you don’t see any darkness in you, probably you are not seeing your life at the light of God’s Grace.

God brought me here to work in my life, to change me, to mold me, and for showing Himself as the Savior that He is, personal, powerful and loving. He uses all kind of circumstances, blessing, difficulties, problems, suffering, His Word and more…
It’s all about God!

But God that is so good, in this process of making me like Jesus, He uses me to share the gospel with others. He allows me to share my testimony, to preach in English and Spanish, to do dramas, to dance, to do sports, to go to hospitals, prisons, elderly homes, orphanages, schools, be an MC, drug addicts centers, to be in Muslims countries with persecution, poor countries, rich countries, He allows me to teach in Bible Studies, etc.

He allows me to be in countries with just 150 believers or even 25 believers in the whole country, I have been in countries that are just open after many years of communism. I have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with homosexuals, Nazis, prostitutes, Muslims, Hindus, orthodox, and with people that practice witchcraft and the list continues…

God has giving me friends to have fun but also to seek His face, friends that make my time on board a blessing. God allow me show my gifts and discover more about my passion, call and talents.

God loved me, took care of me, if I would be God I will quit with Alex really soon. I failed many times, but God’s Grace is always there to lift me up, for His name’s sake. It’s all about God!

God provides for every need, not just for my needs but also He allows me to have a lot of blessings!

Only when you leave everything for God, you are able to receive everything from Him! I was so stupid for a long time, fighting for my dreams and living for my glory, as soon I start to live for God’s Glory, He gave the desires of my heart. Please, don’t be stupid (Somebody needs to say it!)

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” Mathew 6:22

And last but not least, God gave the most beautiful of all blessings, gifts and dreams. He gave me my best friend and girlfriend Deltha. The girl of my dreams, the one for which I was praying, my fiancé. She is the most beautiful blessing and I’m not scared of sounding not spiritual! She crushes in my heart and we promise to unite our life with the main purpose of give Glory to God. It’s all about God!

Thank you to each one of you!

God used many of you to provide for my monthly support, without your contribution I would not be here. Thank you for all your financial support!
Thank you to all of you that prayed for me. “When a man works, a man works, but when a man prays, God works.” Everything that God did through “me” was actually through your prayers!
Thank you for you e-mails and love for me!
And a special thank to my family and church in Montevideo, Uruguay, they are a great support and I’m so blessed because of them!

Next Steps…

Praise the Lord I got the American VISA and the tickets to go there. I am leaving the 8th of February to attend some missions conferences and speak in many churches (including one for Latinos and one college) in USA and after almost two months there (Florida and Michigan). I am going to Mexico to participate in a camp for teenagers and of course to visit Deltha’s family. Before my birthday N* 25 (18th of April) I’m planning to arrive in Uruguay and continue working full time for God with my local church until I get married with Deltha (January 2009) and step out again into missions overseas!
I know that God is in control and He can change our plans in any time, but this is what I understand that God is leading me.

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalms 115:1

It’s all about Jesus and His Grace for us! It’s not about us!

Thank you so much for all your love, prayers and support during this two years, this is not the end of missions for me, it’s just the beginning. No turning back, no turning back…
God bless you and let’s keep in touch!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

We got engaged!!!

We want to share with you that in the first day of the year, a few minutes
alter 0:00 Deltha said “YES”, after exchanging the rings we promised to one
another to get married in January 2009, God willing!!

… I prepared a place on the ship for dinner, with nice decorations, not too
many lights, a girl playing the violin, Mexican quesadillas, desert, South
African wine and dressing smart to propose to the love of my life.

After talking to her father and family, after talking to my family, pastor,
friends and even ship’s leaders and receiving their approval, everything was
ready for the great occasion.

She dressed in all black, honestly I never saw someone as beautiful as Deltha
that night. That night I thanked God for His creation! She was just expecting
a New Year’s Eve dinner; she didn’t have a clue of what the night had in
store for her.

After the classical toast of midnight, I gave her a book that I wrote when we
were just friends; these lines are a witness of our love and friendship, and our
walk seeking God’s Will.

We want to thank you for all your support and prayers, especially regarding
our life partner. We are convinced that this is the right decision, in the right
time, and the most important thing… the right person.

Two people rescued from the price of sin (death) promise to walk together
with the purpose of giving glory and joy to the One that saved them. Sharing
the message of Grace that changed their lives in every situation, every
opportunity, everywhere, every moment... with every person.

The decision that we have made to respect, love, wait for each other, and
one day become ONE is what we call ENGAGEMENT!

We got engaged, the rest is up to God.

Praise God for His Mercy and Grace, praise the Lord for His love. The Lord is
good. To Him be the glory, honor and praise!

Thank you for being part of our lives, thanks to be God for your lives.
God bless you!

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return of their work”
Ecclesiastes 4:9

Con amor Deltha y Alex…