Tuesday, October 30, 2007

1 year and 8 months in an adventure with God!

I cannot believe that more than 1 year and 8 months is the time that I’ve been on board in this adventure with God; I still remember when I was praying for God to open the doors and come to the ship.
Today I’m in awe of God’s wonders and amazed by His grace, I cannot believe all the things that I’ve lived, I’m living and I will live with my Heavenly Father.

“But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him”
1 Corinthians. 2:9

Here there are some of the blessings that God gave me in these past months:

A dream comes true

For one month I’ve been in charge of the evangelism department of the ship which is a great privilege and a big responsibility. If you know me just a bit you know that for me it is totally a dream!
I’m really thankful to leaders of the Logos 2 for trusting in me. I really want to give my best to God so the gospel can reach every person in our path.
My job is not just to share the gospel but to motivate others to do it, the idea is to see in people’s minds evangelism not just as an activity but as a lifestyle.
The responsibility is huge but the privilege is even bigger!

Latinoamérica para Cristo!!!

The north of Germany is a really difficult place in terms of sharing the Gospel.
We going to spend a couple months here in Kiel until the Logos Hope arrives and is ready to sail.
Of course nobody will kill us, but it is still so hard just to get in contact with people, their hearts are really hard and they don’t want to even listen to us.
But not everything is “negative.” There are a good number of Latinos living here in Kiel, and we can see how God is working among them.
We meet people in the street and we invite them to eat, the reason we give is that they can spend time with the rest of the Latinos on board.
A few days ago, Jacqueline came to visit us, she is from Mexico. She said that she wasn’t a Christian but that she believes in the Bible and in the God of the Bible (which was a good beginning). She told us that she is assisting a Bible Study but she doesn’t understand anything. So I asked her, what are you studying about? And she said about the tabernacle in Hebrews.
I had the chance of sharing with her from Genesis to Revelations, the whole gospel, she was really interested, and we talked for more than 2 hours.
When I explained to her the problem of sin, she asked me: how can I be right with God? After that I explained to her more about the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and she asked me: how can I accept the sacrifice of Christ and wash away my sins? WOW!!! Incredible!
I was just in shock; it was one of the best moments of my life in terms of evangelism. Of course she gave her life to Christ and was forgiven of all her sins. I really thank God for allowing me to see this soul coming to His feet.

The most beautiful blessing

This is one of the most beautiful moments of my life, first of all because all the things that He is doing in my life and all the things that He is allowing me to be part of in ministry.
But I have to confess that the most beautiful of all the blessings in almost two years is my best friend and girlfriend Deltha.
Deltha is a beautiful Mexican lady that loves God with all her heart, and wants to serve Him with her whole life in missions for the rest of her days.
Of course I cannot give you all the reasons why I chose to be with her, but I can tell you that was a decision made in the Lord with His guidance and wisdom, and I’m convinced that she is the person that will walk with me the rest of my life.

Would you like to pray for me?

1- For God’s guidance, wisdom, humility and ideas for my new job on the ship, and that everything that I do brings Glory to His name.
2- That God touches the hearts of the people of Kiel, and many will come to know him as Lord and Savior. Pray that God continues helping me with German so I can communicate with the people with more freedom.
3- For my relationship with Deltha, that God will be the center of our relationship always, that He helps us to share His Grace with everybody, wisdom for the decisions about the future, and that our relationship will give Glory to God always.

Thank you so much for taking the time and read this prayer letter. Thank you so much for your support, help, love, prayers and encouragement.
God bless you!
Alex… <><


Talo said...

Buena loco, ya tenes blog, lastima q segundo, porque te gane, jeje. Me alegro mucho de q estes laburando para Dios, teniendo esta aventura tan hermosa y unica, disfrutala y sabe q desde Sudamerica oro a full por vos y te recuerdo todos los dias. Miles de bendiciones. Aguante el Manya, la Murga, las empanadas de zully, las hamburguesas del carro, las pizzas de tu viejo y mi vieja, la Asterdan, un buen asado, los zochori, el dulce de leche, el mate, no sigo porque me voy a poner a llorar!

Unknown said...

Alex Hola ! Me alegra mucho escuchar(leer) como Dios utiliza corazones dispuestos para llevar a otros el unico mensaje que CAMBIA VIDA, bendiciones en cada paso que vayas a dar, continua glorificando a Dios en todo lo que hagas, Pr 3:5-6. Saludes :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex!

Nice to hear from you!
Cool greetings from Germany.
Love and blessing:


Anonymous said...

Un abrazo desde ESCOCIA.
Dale loko.
Te amo my hermano.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex, its so good to hear from you! It is fantastic news about you position with the evangelism team. Not just a job, a calling! The work still goes on here in Falmouth & we are still tending & harvesting the fruit from the Logos II visit. Blessings to you & the team. Hope to see you when the Logos Hope comes to England next year! Jo & Harvey crook & family xx

Silvana said...

Esta muy buena tu pagina Alex y me alegra que dejes que nuestro Señor te utilice de esta forma tal como siempre soñaste, desde aqui seguimos orando por ti y prontito nos vamos a ver te quiero mucho, segui cosechando bendiciones !!!!
Silvana y flia

Anonymous said...

Estoy muy, muy PROUD of you for following God's dream for you....your passion, commitment and determination inspire me everytime I hear from you or read your newsletter!!!!!I will never forget the words God gave me for you back in Uruguay...praise God you obeyed and took it seriously!!!!
Love you my dear friend...Charlotte.
P.S. No me dijiste que tienes novia..awwww...que linda!!

Anonymous said...

Alex, amigo de mi corazon!!! Me hace muy feliz todo lo que estás viviendo con Dios y todo lo que te ha regalado, aún Deltha!!!! Eso me alegra muchisimo!!! Que el Señor te siga bendiciendo a montones y ahora por parte doble jejeje Te quiero mucho!!! Contás conmigo, Etel, la Cordobesa (besitos para los dos)