Here we are again; this is our second update of the year! God has been so faithful. We have many things to share about what God is doing in Uruguay and in our lives. Thank you so much for all your prayers, your love and your support.
CIMA 2010
CIMA is a mission’s oriented international conference that took place in Cordoba, Argentina, with more than 2200 young people from all over South America.
The purpose of the conference was to introduce young people to missions and help them see how they can get involved. In January a group of nearly 20 people left Montevideo, Uruguay to participate in the CIMA conference. Our group included a few individuals from other countries. Alex had the opportunity to serve as a volunteer in a number of areas of the conference. We really enjoyed our time there; we prayed for unreached people groups, and countries; and we met young Christians from different places and missionaries serving with different organizations. We had the chance to hear wonderful speakers and attend great workshops. The quality of the conference and the organization were really amazing!
Experimenta Perú
Experimenta means “experiment missions.” It is a short term mission trip after CIMA. Around 700 people went to different parts of the world, especially in South America. We went to Peru not just as part of the team, but as leaders. It was one of the most adventures times of our life (if not the most), but more importantly, it was an incredible time of seeing God work in and through our lives. Sometimes God needs to break us in order to form us more into his likeness. Deltha was involved with kids, and Alex was involved with teenagers. He also had the opportunity to preach twice in the local church that was hosting us. We did evangelism, and we work with the local believers.
A little BIG problem…
We passed through the dessert of Chile for 3 hours in order to get to immigration. We were in the middle of nowhere at 16500 feet of altitude. Mical, a 16 year old, was a part of our team. She came to us and said that she was not allowed to go into Chile because she is a minor and that the papers that her parents had completed were not correct. WHAT? We cannot describe what we felt in that moment and all the thoughts that went through our minds. After hours (literally hours) of talking with the authorities it was evident that they would not let Mical pass over the border. We were convinced that this teenager could not stay alone in immigration nor return to Argentina alone. We decided to let the team continue on to Peru, while we made sure Mical was safely in Argentina with another team. After a great adventure for over one week of learning to lean more on God and not on our own strength, we were reunited with our team in Peru.
Youth Camp in Bolivia
Talo Vergara (serving in Bolivia with Grace Ministries International) invited us to be the main speakers of the Grace Camp in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. It was a real blessing for us to share with young people God´s Word. One of the things that we really enjoyed was to divide the whole group in guys and girls, so Deltha talk to the girls and Alex talk to the guys. The title of the camp was “Searching for treasures en Heaven” and we looked at the life of Moses as an example of this. The 3 main messages were “knowing God”, Trusting in God” and “Cooperating with God”.
Last week we started taking Biblical Greek classes. We had been praying for a Greek teacher for long time and God has heard our prayers. We give thanks to the Lord for Henry Clary and his family, which God is using to bless our lives and ministries. The classes are in our church and for free. There are 9 people taking the class. Thanks be to God for this blessing.
Theological Seminary
We are in our second year of the seminary, the subjects for this semester are: Missions, Ephesians, Cults and Religions, Leadership, Hermeneutic, Religious Background of Latin-America, Pedagogy, and Church Planting.
Cell Group
The cell group that is hosted in our home recently multiplied and now there is another group meeting in the house of another brother of the church. We currently have 5 cell groups in the church.
Cross Concept
As we told you before, we are working with the youth group (18 to 25 years) in the church. We call this youth group “Cross Concept”. The idea of having a name is just because it’s cool and helps them to identify with the group. We want to emphasize the Cross, and to teach them that the Cross is more than a concept. We have a blog that you can visit: (it´s in Spanish), and we also have facebook. Last week we met for a time of prayer each day at 7am. Every day we had at least 7 people. We focused on different topics and then we prayed for a revival in our lives and in Uruguay.
Since March Deltha has begun as the new director of the kid’s ministry. She is so excited that new kids are coming to the church. She also is content with the leaders that are working in the ministry with her.
Thanks be to God for one more year of life. God is good!
The biggest blessing of all…
Crispy (Christian) is Alex´s Brother. After 2 years of wandering he is walking with the Lord again. It´s incredible to see how much God has worked in Crispy in just a few weeks. Alex said “it feels like I have recovered a brother”. Crispy was even one of the young people who came to pray in the morning. Thank you Lord!
Prayer Request
Please join us in prayer.
- For Christian (Alex´s brother): that God continues strengthen him in his faith especially to resist the darts of the enemy.
- For the youth group (Cross Concept): for spiritual hunger for holiness, and more love for God´s love.
- For the kids of AWANA Club: pray that they will get to Know Christ as their personal Lord and that their families will come to Jesus through them.
- For our studies in the seminary and Greek.
- For more monthly support.
- For our relationship with Jesus. We don’t want to forget that in the middle of these activities we must sit at the feet of Jesus to hear His Word.
Thank you so much for reading this letter and for your prayers. Thank you for being part of this adventure of following God. God bless you and let’s keep in contact!
Alex y Deltha Gulart
Lo prometido es deuda, acá esta nuestro segundo informe del año!
Es muchísimo lo que tenemos para contarles, y de verdad les damos muchas gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo. Vivimos una gran aventura con Dios. El nos corrigió, moldeo, se mostro fiel y nos desafío!
CIMA 2010
CIMA es un congreso internacional organizado por CEC (Centro de Entrenamiento Cristiano) que se hace en Córdoba, Argentina cada tres años, reuniendo a más de 2200 jóvenes de todas partes del mundo, en su mayoría de Sudamérica.
El enfoque del congreso es impactar a los jóvenes con la realidad de misiones, llevándolos a tomar un mayor compromiso con Dios.
CIMA cuenta con excelentes oradores, talleristas, y músicos. La organización es todo un ejemplo a seguir. Y la calidad del evento es excelente!
Alex lidero el grupo de uruguayos (20) que fueron desde diferentes iglesias a CIMA. Pasamos un tiempo formidable, donde conocimos a muchos cristianos jóvenes comprometidos a seguir a Cristo hasta lo último de la tierra, oramos por diferentes tribus y grupos étnicos que un no han escuchado del amor de Dios, renovamos nuestra pasión por Dios y por los que aun no lo conocen, disfrutamos de alabar a Dios junto a jóvenes de otras nacionalidades (nos recordó nuestro tiempo en el barco) y escuchamos la Palabra de Dios, fue una gran bendición!
Experimenta Perú
Experimenta es la parte practica de CIMA. Una vez terminado el congreso alrededor de 700 jóvenes fuimos a algún lugar del mundo a hacer misiones. Algunos de los lugares donde fueron equipos son Japón, Alemania/Austria, Senegal, Perú, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, entre otros.
Nosotros como ustedes bien saben fuimos a Perú. Trabajamos con niños (Deltha) y adolescentes (Alex) de un barrio muy carenciado. Tuvimos la oportunidad (Alex) de predicar 2 domingos en una iglesia bautista en Arequipa, hicimos evangelismo y motivamos a los hermanos de la iglesia a seguir sirviendo a nuestro Señor.
De camino por el desierto de Chile
Para llegar a Perú tuvimos que cruzar el desierto de Atacama, donde llegamos a estar a 5000 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar. El dolor de cabeza era increíble, y muchos nos sentíamos mal, pero lo peor aún estaba por venir.
En nuestra delegación viajaba Mical, una adolescente de 16 años. Ella se acerco a nosotros y nos dijo que no la dejaban entrar a Chile porque era menor. Nos pusimos a orar, fuimos a hablar pero nada se podía hacer, el permiso de menor que ella tenía no le permitía entrar en Chile. Ahí arranco nuestra odisea… nos quedamos con ella para no dejarla sola y tuvimos que pasar una noche en el medio del desierto ya que no había ningún lugar donde pasar la noche, ni que comer, a todo esto le sumamos el dolor de cabeza de la altura. De ahí fuimos a Jujuy (Argentina) y tuvimos que pasar 2 noches, y luego fuimos a Perú pero esta vez por Bolivia.
Campamento en Bolivia
Talo Vergara (misionero de Grace Ministries International en Bolivia) nos invito al campamento de verano para jóvenes que se realiza cada año en Santa Cruz.
Para nosotros fue toda una bendición compartir con los jóvenes de las iglesias bolivianas, en especial cuando nos dividimos para hablarles por separado a los hombres (Alex) y a las chicas (Deltha). El tema del campamento fue “Buscando tesoros en el cielo” y el personaje que estudiamos fue Moisés. Los tres mensajes del campamento fueron “Conociendo a Dios” “Confiando en Dios” y Cooperando con Dios”
Fue un tiempo muy especial donde Dios trabajó en nuestras vidas, y también nos uso, aprendimos una vez más sobre su fidelidad y su cuidado, y recordamos una vez mas que servir a Dios es todo una gran aventura.
Esta semana arrancamos con clases de griego bíblico. Dios ha contestado nuestras oraciones y anhelos. Por muchos años hemos buscado la oportunidad de estudiar griego pero no había sido posible.
Dios proveyó de un profesor llamado Henry Clary. Henry es misionero junto a su familia aquí en Uruguay, tiene un doctorado en Nuevo Testamento y una gran persona.
Nos sentimos muy bendecidos, ya que poco a poco nos vamos capacitando más y más parea servir a nuestro Señor.
Estamos cursando nuestro segundo cuatrimestre en el seminario. Las materias que tenemos son: Misiones transculturales, Efesios, Sectas y Religiones, Liderazgo, Hermenéutica, Realidad religiosa latinoamericana, Pedagogía y Plantación de Iglesias.
La célula que funciona en nuestra casa se multiplico! Parte de nuestro grupo se fue con un hermano a su casa para comenzar allí otra célula. Los dos grupos siguen creciendo gracias a Dios! Gloria a Dios!
Concepto Cruz
Como les contamos estamos trabajando con los jóvenes de 18 a 25 años. A este grupo le pusimos por nombre “Concepto Cruz”, la idea de ponerle nombre es porque creemos que puede ayudar a darle identidad al grupo. Le nombre es para enfatizar que el centro de nuestras vidas debe de ser la cruz de Cristo, y queremos que entiendan que la cruz es mucho mas que un concepto.
Gracias a Dios el grupo arranco con mucha fuerza, esperamos que siga así. Si queres conocer un poco mas sobre este ministerio podes visitar nuestro blog: y hacerte amigo nuestro en Facebook.
Como bendición especial queremos contar que esta semana que paso nos reunimos todos los días a las 7 de la mañana a orar por diferentes aspectos de la vida cristiana, y gracias a Dios cada día tuvimos no menos de 7 jóvenes que vinieron a orar y leer la Palabra de Dios.
OANSA es el ministerio con niños que tenemos en la iglesia, este año Deltha quedo a cargo de este ministerio, y gracias a Dios también va muy bien.
La más grande de todas las bendiciones
Crispy (Christian) el hermano menor de Alex ha regresado al camino del Señor! Después de casi 2 años de estar apartado de los caminos, él ha decidido volver a caminar junto al Señor y hace un mes que está asistiendo al grupo de jóvenes y a la iglesia. Incluso es uno de los jóvenes que ha venido en las mañanas para orar. Gracias a todos los que han estado orando por el!
Pedidos de oración
Por favor les pedimos que nos acompañen en oración:
- Por Crispy (hermano de Alex) para que siga firme creciendo en su relación con Dios. Por fortaleza ante las tentaciones del enemigo, y para que vuelva a servir al Señor con pasión como lo hizo antes.
- Por el grupo de jóvenes (Concepto Cruz) para que mas jóvenes conozcan a Cristo y se entreguen a El. Sabiduría, creatividad y amor para trabajar con los jóvenes que Dios nos esta dando.
- Por los niños de OANSA, para que ellos puedan conocer a Jesús como Señor y Salvador, para que se enamoren de la Palabra de Dios desde pequeños.
- Por nuestros estudios tanto del seminario como de griego.
- Por nuestro sustento económico mensual.
- Por nuestra relación con Dios, para que a pesar de tantas actividades podamos “tirarnos a los pies de Jesús a escuchar Su palabra” como lo hizo María.
Muchas gracias por acompañarnos en esta linda aventura de servir al Señor y gracias por ser parte de nuestras vidas.
Dios los bendiga y seguimos en contacto!!!
Alex & Deltha Gulart
Friday, July 23, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
God is an Awesome God!
Hi dear friends and brothers and sisters in the faith. We hope that when you receive this letter, you are well and enjoying God`s blessings.
We want to thank you for your support, your prayers and your love, in addition to sharing with you something of what God is doing in Uruguay and in our lives.
Please forgive us for not having sent out our prayer letter/update this past year as often as previously. Without wishing to make excuses, we assure you that we have been very busy and it was quite difficult to adjust to our new life style of living. We will try to do better this year!!!
Theological Studies
We thank God that we got though our first year in the seminary with excellent grades. The subjects we took were: New Testament Introduction, Old Testament Introduction, Systematic Theology, Pedagogy, Inductive Methodology, Evangelism, Research and Writing, Worship, Homiletic, Faithful Stewardship, Missions, and Spiritual Living. As you can see, we had a good variety of content. We both enjoyed the studies in spite of the hard work involved.
Youth Group
This group commenced in March, and we have grown from nobody to usually about ten every Saturday. It isn´t a easy task, since they are not all consistent in attending meetings nor in they walk with the Lord, but we are trusting that with God’s help we will see a change in they lives.
Some are beginning to do Bible studies and seem to be growing spiritually. We are confident that our work will not be in vain. (1 Cor. 15:58)
This work is vey different! We are using the AWANA program, which helps us to reach out the families by means of the children, and the work team with which we are working believes that a special emphasis should be applied to this ministry. Deltha teaches the 9 and 10 years old and gets more and more involve in the ministry.
Cell Group
Every Wednesday at 7pm we have a Bible study in our home, with the aim of reaching new people for Christ. We started in May and now we have a group of 15, more than a half of whom have never attended a Christian church. In March, we plan to multiply into 2 groups, one in our house y the other in the house of another member of the church.
Mission trip
A group of 8 members in their late teens and early twenties will be going in the middle of January to a youth conference in Cordoba, Argentina. With a big focused in missions. After the conference, will be going for two weeks to different places in South America to get practice in missionary work. We (Deltha & Alex) are going to Puno, Peru, working with the “Aimaras”. Others are going to places in Peru, Chile and Argentina. From Puno, we are going to share and teach in a youth camp in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Uruguayan papers
God willing, in the next few days Deltha will get the document she needs to stay in Uruguay. Alejandra, a Mexican we met onboard the ship (Logos 2), has been a great help in obtaining the document we needed from Mexico. Thank you Ale!!!
We are grateful to God for His help and care during of our first year of marriage. Both of us has questions and concerns, but we have probed that God is worthy of our confident in Him.
A special blessing
God allowed Deltha to return to his beautiful country of Mexico to spend both, Christmas and her birthday with her family. We had though for sometime that it was necessary that she visited her family, but we didn’t know how it would be possible. However, the Lord made it possible, and for that we are thankful to Him.
One again, many thanks for you support, love, prayers and friendship. God has blessed us through you! May you also know the blessing of God in your life!
Much Latin love, Deltha & Alex
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