Saturday, January 5, 2008

We got engaged!!!

We want to share with you that in the first day of the year, a few minutes
alter 0:00 Deltha said “YES”, after exchanging the rings we promised to one
another to get married in January 2009, God willing!!

… I prepared a place on the ship for dinner, with nice decorations, not too
many lights, a girl playing the violin, Mexican quesadillas, desert, South
African wine and dressing smart to propose to the love of my life.

After talking to her father and family, after talking to my family, pastor,
friends and even ship’s leaders and receiving their approval, everything was
ready for the great occasion.

She dressed in all black, honestly I never saw someone as beautiful as Deltha
that night. That night I thanked God for His creation! She was just expecting
a New Year’s Eve dinner; she didn’t have a clue of what the night had in
store for her.

After the classical toast of midnight, I gave her a book that I wrote when we
were just friends; these lines are a witness of our love and friendship, and our
walk seeking God’s Will.

We want to thank you for all your support and prayers, especially regarding
our life partner. We are convinced that this is the right decision, in the right
time, and the most important thing… the right person.

Two people rescued from the price of sin (death) promise to walk together
with the purpose of giving glory and joy to the One that saved them. Sharing
the message of Grace that changed their lives in every situation, every
opportunity, everywhere, every moment... with every person.

The decision that we have made to respect, love, wait for each other, and
one day become ONE is what we call ENGAGEMENT!

We got engaged, the rest is up to God.

Praise God for His Mercy and Grace, praise the Lord for His love. The Lord is
good. To Him be the glory, honor and praise!

Thank you for being part of our lives, thanks to be God for your lives.
God bless you!

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return of their work”
Ecclesiastes 4:9

Con amor Deltha y Alex…